Not Worth Reading

I need to get out of my head and into my blog!

It's been like??? Four days?? Since I've blogged?


So here I am. Writing this. But what is this? Your guess is as good as mine.

I guess I just feel like if I don't do this regularly I'll stop doing it all together.

Maybe this can be an update. So, since I last posted, I tried a cinnamon roll recipe and decided it needs to be changed a little, I still haven't been able to stick to any sort of sleep schedule, and I went grocery shopping.

For about a week, I had wanted to make cinnamon rolls. I googled cinnamon roll recipes and found one that had "quick" in the title, because even though I have nothing but time, I don't want to spend all day baking what should be a simple thing. So I found a recipe I liked and bookmarked it. For the rest of the week I told myself that "today", whatever day it happened to be, would be the day I would make cinnamon rolls. And for about four or five days, "today" was never the day, it was always "maybe tomorrow", because I wasn't 100 percent certain I had all the flour I needed, and of course I didn't check. I just kept putting it off. Then (I think maybe Wednesday?), at about 9am I stopped what I had been doing and got up and made cinnamon rolls. It took me about 3 hours from start to finish, but it probably would've taken less time had it not been the first time I was using that recipe. Also, I thought I knew better than the recipe and did it a little differently, but the dough didn't rise as quickly as it should've, and that extended the wait time. They came out looking nice, but the taste was sort of off, so I probably should've actually followed the recipe... NEXT TIME.  Even though Drew likes cinnamon rolls, I was the only one who ate them because he is currently trying to limit his sugar intake. That's not going to stop me from making them again soon though.  Mostly just because I like baking. And I want to get it right this time.

Since about Tuesday, I've been saying that I was going to go grocery shopping. Tuesday, I decided I didn't feel like going and that we could survive another day on the stuff we had, although it wasn't much. Wednesday I made cinnamon rolls for three hours and decided that was enough for the day. Just before 1am on Thursday, I walked into the bedroom and told Drew for the second time this week "I'm going to the probably." I thought that saying it out loud would make me more likely to do it. But then I sat around and thought about what the best time of day to go would be. Town gets busy around noon, and it would also be hot so I didn't want to go then. I didn't want to go in the morning just because I didn't feel like getting dressed. So I decided I'd go around 7 or 8 pm. Since I had woken up at night on the day previous, I got tired around 3pm and decided it would be beneficial for me to take an hour or so nap on the couch, and then I would go to the store. My "hour or so" nap turned out to be 5 hours long and I woke up with a stiff neck. I decided it would be too late for me to go to the store by the time I got showered and ready to leave the house. Finally, I ended up going today (Friday). We didn't need a whole lot of things. The longer I thought about my grocery list while getting ready, the longer the list got. A lot of the time, I have to take things off my list because I don't really need them. I didn't need more makeup, but I sure as heck bought it when I got to the store, because I was there in the aisle and I thought, "I don't have to spend a lot on other stuff, and I could use some new (insert makeup product)."

Ive been up since 4am but I'm trying to stay awake just a little longer. You can count that as another reason I'm writing all this nonsense; I'm trying to distract myself so I don't fall asleep. I'm yawning like every 15 seconds. Plus, it's raining and thundering and I'm bundled up in a warm sweater because Drew likes to keep the apartment at snowy mountain peak temperature. So the conditions are right for me to fall asleep right here.

I spoke to Nathan yesterday on Instagram. (Formerly Jasmine, if you're confused. I was not conversing with your infant son lol.) It was lovely to hear from him. We talked about jobs and the places we live and what we've been up to. His stories were more interesting than mine lol. It was sort of out of the blue. He said he liked my song covers on youtube. That was the conversation starter. And then we talked about all that other stuff. And it was like no time had passed.

I bought black lipstick today. I haven't owned black lipstick since, like, junior high.

That's a weird place to end, but I'm tired and I can't think of anything else so BYEEEE.




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