Diary Entry #2

The following is something I wrote down in an actual notebook with a pencil. That's only important to know because this is typed on a blog on the internet, but I keep mentioning pencils and handwriting. 

     "I want to write a novel." I say, staring at a blank sheet of paper as no words come to mind. I think that maybe, if I just begin to write down any sentences that come to mind, the ideas will start flowing. Maybe everything I've been taught about writing is wrong. Planning my writing seems to get me nowhere. The only times that I have ever written anything lengthy were by feeling the need to write and beginning to do so. My hand is beginning to hurt and i can feel the pencil strokes up my whole arm. It's been a while since I've written anything with pencil and paper. Usually at this point in a paragraph, my writing begins to get more sloppy. So far it appears to be pretty neat. I remember having to write so often in school that the three fingers I use to hold a pencil had developed calluses. My wrist is hurting.
     I really do want to write a novel, but every idea I have seems cliche or childish. And then, I try to come up with something completely original, but I feel like I'm not equipped to write about that thing.

     On the other hand, if I never start, I will never finish. Somehow I've filled an entire page with this nonsense. If only story-writing came as naturally as transcribing one's own thoughts. I should really remember to date all these writings I do. I know what I'm like; someday I will be flipping through this notebook and want to know when exactly I wrote this and what time of day it was.

     I saw a tweet the other day that inspired me to write. I'm not sure what the person was writing the tweet in response to/ about, but it resonated with me nonetheless. It was something to the effect of "When you're happy, write. When you're sad, write. When you're depressed, write. When you're angry, write." and so on. As for what to write, well I'm not sure. But this IS writing. It might not be particularly exciting or tell a story, but it is writing and it is mine. Soon I will run out of space in this notebook. I will have to move on to another if I still have any with a couple of blank pages. Or I might have to buy one at the store.

     I thought about writing something every day and I have even previously attempted it. The problem is that would get very repetitive. I do a lot of the same things every day. It would be like playing my life on a loop and no one cares to read that. Not even me.

     I really want to check my tumblr right now. My laptop is sleeping in front of me and my phone is in the other room charging. I could easily go and get my phone or wake up my laptop, but sometimes it's good to deny yourself the urge to constantly be plugged in and accessible. Plus, I'm writing. It feels like my brain and my writing hand are getting some much needed exercise. As I say that, I just thought of a pretty good tumblr post...

     I wish I was poetic. I never liked reading poetry. It just made my head hurt. I don't like when people don't say what they mean. If I have to interpret your sentence, then you need to stop being so vague. But still, I wish I could write a series of words that would make people repeat them in their head and wonder what underlying meaning they had. I want people to feel nostalgic for a feeling they've never felt or a place they've never been just because I wrote some words that made them stop and think.

     There are two paths I could take here: I could stop writing and get on the internet with the intention of writing some more in an hour or so (let's be real, I'm gonna get on the internet and not pick up a pencil for another two weeks), or, I can keep writing and see where that takes me.

     I'm getting kind of bored so I really want to stop writing, but also I feel like if I keep going, I can get somewhere.

     But the ultimate and ever-present question is...

     You guessed it: What do I write about?...

     They say write what you know. I know myself, so that's what I usually write about. If I write something, it is based on my own experiences and what I would want to read. Now my writing is sloppy. What can you do. Probably just try to write better.

I noticed that if you started reading this post again from the top it sort of seems like it loops. Anyway...


Paige 💜


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