Diary Entry #1
Monday, October 2, 2017 Another day, another tragedy. At 5am I logged onto Twitter to the news about Vegas. These days, it seems like something horrible happens every day. Honestly, it probably does. The world is big and full of people and something is always happening to someone. There are bad things happening everywhere all the time, but I don't think that's anything new. I think the internet has made the world more accessible. Something happens across the world and within the hour, Twitter has a trending hashtag about it. With the ability to be alerted to tragedy as soon as it strikes, things seem to pile up on top of each other and become overwhelming. How are you supposed to recover from 'y' when 'x' just happened a week ago? There's a finite amount of time to distance yourself from one horrible thing before the next one happens. It used to be that you could only get such information from the nightly news or t...